Review 44: Loveless (Is this rape)?
I'm sure, in reality, it's against the law to randomly hug and kiss some kid who you've never met
before. at first glance this anime has already creeped me out. In fact, i was laughing when it got to the awkward kissing and long, deep eye staring... What the hell am i watching?I'm sure, in reality, it's against the law to randomly hug and kiss some kid who you've never met
From the way everyone made this out to be, it sounded alright; but just watching the first episode made me laugh quite a bit. For starts children have these weird cat/fox tails and ears but adults don't, if you didn't know... I hate animal crossover things, just ughh.
So the anime starts off with a young boy named Ritsuka Aoyagi. In the beginning he transfers to a new school (elementary school). Before he arrives we see a bunch of girls in the same class that he's moving into; they bully and push around a young girl called Yuiko Hawatari. When he transfers no one wants to know him, everyone keeps their distance from him, apart from little Yuiko. After school a strange tall college student is waiting for Ritsuka, He tells him that he was his brothers friend... Ritsukas brother was burnt to death by something called the Septimal Moon. For some reason, and there is no explanation at the beginning... They have to be in love in order to fight and protect each other?... This isn't explained at all.... i'm confused.
So all children have these weird looking cat or fox tails and ears, and grown ups don't have them. Then at some point there's two kids with the tails and ears who go by the same name as Breathless, these two fight Ritsuka and the, really pervy, Soubi. So nothing makes any sense at all, nothing is explained for the majority of the anime. I would seriously love to know why they have cat ears, or why this college student is perving, following and kissing an elementary student?
The there are these random fights with spells, but you have to be in love to fight. They're really weird fights too, the room or anything around them goes blank and then randomly re-appears later on in the fight (The second fight you'll see). The fights also seem as if they are lacking something or as if the creator has done them like this to fit the laid back and strange atmosphere of the anime. It's quite strange, you would think that if you had a good concept of fights based off of spells that you would do a lot more with it.
I really don't enjoy animes that are all about love and sincerity, i prefer horror, action, comedy... Things that will cheer you up, make you laugh or put you on the edge of your seat. This anime did none of that for me, it seemed kinda boring if anything. It just seems like the characters aren't what they should be, or that they needed a little extra just to push along their development or the stories development.
The anime doesn't really start getting interesting until episode 8/9 and there are only 12 episodes in the anime. There doesn't seem to be any important development in early episodes and it's quite boring, it's dragged out so much that i got bored of watching at the 6th episode. I just feel like this anime needs more added to it; yeah it's a good idea and concept but it's defiantly missing something.
I think if it just had that little bit extra and it wasn't so pervy looking then i would of enjoyed it even though it isn't of my favourite genre; all it was focused on was the way the characters felt and their relationships, but what makes a good anime isn't just the characters relationships... It's the story line and the concept behind that story line.
I didn't quite enjoy this anime, i know other people would enjoy this... But then again i'm not into animes like this. i know others that would love this anime... But i seriously cannot watch something like this again, it's just so draining and boring for me... Sorry guys; this is not my kind of thing.
I wouldn't really recommend this anime to anyone who loves animes that want something that will keep them on the edge of their seat, keep them wanting more and keep them loving the characters involved. This anime just didn't do it for me and i wouldn't go back and watch it again.
It does have it's goo qualities though! even though i might not of enjoyed it, it has beutifull art work and romantic scenes that could make some fangirls hearts melt! So if you're a fan girl/boy and you love romantic love stories or drama/love stories then i guess you would enjoy his series! Also the opening to the anime has very precise images of the main character, but it's only th outline... so those make a nice touch to the simplicity of the anime. So i would actually recommend this to people who are in to more laid back types of anime.
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