Sunday, 3 January 2016

Review 40: Kuroke No Basuke (little blue haired dude)!

Review 40: Kuroko No Basuke (Little blue haired dude)!

So this is, yet again, a fun loving anime filled with laughs and competition... But does Basketball really suit the Japanese lifestyle!?

Kuroko No Basuke is another one of those feel good sporty animes which is easy to fall in love with! The characters in the anime have amazing personalities and ways of tackling situations. The graphics and animation that the creator uses is up to scratch and gives you the best possible viewing that you could get for a funny and amazing anime!The main characters that with have in this anime are obviously Kuroko and his new found friend Kagami. At first we see that both characters hate each other and are complete opposites in every single way; which already sets a good and competitive mood for the rest of the anime and the events that are about to come.

The anime starts off with the viewers being told about The Generation Of Miracles: a 5 man basketball team that graduated from middle school after becoming the best team in the whole of Japan!! (I think). After they all graduated they all went separate ways and went to different schools; all of those players haven't seen each other ever since. Until now...

Kuroko joins the in at Seirin High, were he decides to join the basketball team, and then proves himself to the whole of the school that he in fact is the 6th member of The Generation Of Miracles... (we'll get back to that later). Kagami has, in fact, just returned from America where he played Basketball for his own team; He signs up for Seirins basketball team and soon notices that it may just be a complete waste of time.

When it comes round to actually playing basketball; the team is terrible apart from Kagami. Which then creates a sort of one man team and a lonely background for such a strong character. He is in fact the strongest man on the team, when we see all of the players; we, the viewers, get to see how much of a difference in size Kagami is to Kuroko... Kuroko doesn't play basketball at first, instead he sits out on the bench and isn't even noticed until a while in to the series... Well I think it' a while anyway.

The storyline is mainly that Kuroko and Kagami are going to take on the rest of The Generation Of Miracles and their new teams; Even though Kuroko is smaller and not as good as everyone else, he does hold a sill that the other members of The Generation Of Miracles does not have. As our team keeps on challenging the other members of The Generation Of Miracles we do get to see all of the skills each ad everyone one of them has in store for us. The more we see our Seirin team play against The Generation Of Miracles we see them get stronger and get closer as a team.

The characters themselves are quite simple minded and quite funny; but when they start playing they do become deadly serious and it takes another turning point for us as the viewers. The team are quite funny when they are off the court and we get to see them become closer and even funnier the longer we watch.

Over all, I think the anime is superb; it's hilarious to watch and it just makes you laugh at loud no matter what episode it is that you’re on! I loved the series and I think I’m going to keep on watching it in my spare time, it's defiantly worth a watch and your time!! The animation is amazing, the voice overs are amazing, the characters are amazing and the storyline is kinda all over the place... BUT AMAZING!!!Get watching guys!
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