Ummm, does weird cover this
Or just manic and insane tell you enough????
This amazing series of Anime teaches us all what true confusion whilst trying to figure out what's going on is like. This is already a world wide famous anime that's been out for years, but to me only a recent discovery which has amazed me so far.
If you've already watched this anime then you'll know what I mean by confusing. People usually get to episode 8 out of 26 and give in because their un interested.
Their wrong....
Up to episode 4 we see our main characters learning all about a curse which has haunted Hinamizawa for 5 years. everyday, on the same day of every year 1 person will die and 1 will go missing along with that person. in certain cases 2 people will die instead of one, both in mysterious circumstances.
Or just manic and insane tell you enough????
This amazing series of Anime teaches us all what true confusion whilst trying to figure out what's going on is like. This is already a world wide famous anime that's been out for years, but to me only a recent discovery which has amazed me so far.
If you've already watched this anime then you'll know what I mean by confusing. People usually get to episode 8 out of 26 and give in because their un interested.
Their wrong....
Up to episode 4 we see our main characters learning all about a curse which has haunted Hinamizawa for 5 years. everyday, on the same day of every year 1 person will die and 1 will go missing along with that person. in certain cases 2 people will die instead of one, both in mysterious circumstances.
If you've watched some of these episodes than there will be absolute confusion, that's if you don't read in to it. Every 4 episodes the scenario restarts. I won't ruin it for you as the first 4 episodes don't make much of an impact or impression.....But one, well 3 if you count those insane characters too, die.....All within episode 4.
Straight after episode 4....Boom!!!! Their all alive again and happy as can be. I feel as if they've done this to show all of the ways you can possibly die from Oyashiros curse, and all of the possible outcomes small decisions can make.
Oyashiro, he is the guardian of Hinamizawa who supposedly looks over the villagers... But in this Anime the guardian does the opposite of what it should do. Apparently when 1 sin is committed you will either die or go missing, if you die someone close to you will go missing. If someone goes missing, someone close to them will die.
I won't say anything about the characters in this story apart from the fact that the main cast will either be seen at least once or those 4 episodes will be based on that character. The main bunch that we see are quite unusual and happy, each of them have their own individual side which is eerie, creepy and slightly disturbing. So I'm going to let you all have your own experience with this Anime.
it is a great watch from start to finish, with parts that don't make sense till later, to parts of the puzzle which you have to fit together yourself to figure out the true meaning of the story. An amazing Anime which I'm going to finish watching no matter what.

Art Blog: Diary; amy_marshy_melons
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