Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Review 17: Akira (NEO Magazine, Review Competition Entry)

Review 17: Akira (NEO Magazine, Review Competition Entry)

So this reviews was done a veryyyyy long time ago when i read a magazine called NEO. They set up a competition for a short review on an Anime called Akira happens to be one of the first anime/anime films i`ve ever watched everrr. So you can obviously tell why i lost the competition XD It was a rather failed attempt and i wasn`t to bothered about not getting in the Mag... But yeah, here`s the original copy of it!

Fancy an action packed Anime with bike gangs and scientific experiments???
Keep reading; Cause there's going to be an overload of it soon enough.
Akira, just the name gets you intrigued. The Anime itself is quite old, its not based on a tv program, was bought out quite a while back and whilst only at the age of 12.... Gets you pulled, dragged and drowned by the anime world.
The first anime I ever watched which made me fall to my knees with the disappointing ending which I didn't really understand at first...opps??
With the first few scenes focused on a motor bike gang it already draws in those previous lovers of the anime world.
With the youngest and the most wimpiest kid in the gang being the main character it already stands out from the others. As we all usually see the main character being the strongest, most violent and demanding in the group if we focused on various types of Anime.
With Tetsuo Shima as our main character it just shows that the stereo typical attention seeking main character is not always the best one to go along with. This young boy is an orphan, abandoned by his parents at a young age and literally tortured by other children who belonged to the same orphanage as him.
We meet other characters along the way like Shotaro Kaneda, his best friend who was almost like his older brother, also he started up the bike gang in the first place. He's seems to be the strongest out of the group.
Also the rebellion group, The Espers who are unfortunate children who are constantly being tested on....And Obviously the government themselves.
With loveabe characters, some slight confusion, classical animation techniques, motor bike gangs, crazy scientists, children with granny like skin (eww) and the classical rebellion group that should be admired.
For me its the film that got me in love with anime from a surprisingly young age, which some people would find bad as its aged 18, I got over the violence and from it I've matured. Its an anime for beginners I think but an old time favorite.

Its been 2years since ive watched it, and I remember it all as if it was just the other day. 

Also, follow me on the links down below for some more stalking and following or whatever it is that you`re into XD. 

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