Jesus Christ I thought it would be cool cause of
the name, it's kind of cool but there's bewbs, god damn I hate the bewbs. So
then, even because of the bewwwwbs, did I still enjoy it?
Too start off, most of you probably know that I
HATE fan service and any form of panty flashing. I found this anime on Viewster
quite a while back but I didn't read the description, the age rating or the
5-star rating for the anime... I just went off of the name which made me think
"holy crap that sounds amazing, a school that's also a prison? I bet
there's loads of fight scenes and torture and oh my GOD this one could be cool”.
Then I watched it, and I think my opinion on fan service might have been
changed... keep on reading to see why my stubborn opinions might have been
It's based on a Japanese boarding school that's
only ever been open for girls, and is still full of girls who basically have
huge boobs and don't quite know how to keep their bloody legs closed and all
they ever do is flash their panties; luckily enough everything is covered up by
white strips of fan service protection which was a bloody relief, but that also
depends on what site you use to stream, luckily I was using viewer so it was all
censored so my innocent eyes didn't have to witness the horror of striped
So this small group of boys move into the school,
and they thought it was going to be heaven since the place is full of loads of
cute girls for them to flirt with. However, none of the girls speak to them and
they're too nervous to talk to them half of the time and the end up messing
everything up just by attempting to talk. The main reason that the girls won't
speak to them is because of an underground student council who make their own
rules to scare away other girls, they (somehow) use crows to watch people so
the girls can't talk to the boys if the crows are there. So these five boys are
also extremely perverted they want to get some girls to go out with them but
none of them will... So OBVIOUSLY they do what every other boy would do and
that's perv on the girls, in the first episode they go up to the roof in tight,
all black suits and they use a phone on a piece of string and lower it into the
girls bathroom. So they're loving this whole perverted phone thing, and I was
sat watching it on my laptop getting extremely annoyed with myself for making
me watch this show because I immediately knew that this wouldn't be the only
episode that would be covered in fan service. It was quite funny, but it put me
off ever so slightly.
Like every other funny school based anime, of
course the pervy guys messed up and got caught in the end and what the
girls did was rather weird. So in the center of the school there's like a
miniature prison, and the underground student council, who aren't really the
nicest people in the world, put them in there for a month. They got to choose
actually, either a month in prison at the school or they get expelled and their
families are told about what they did to the other girls. They still attend
lessons whilst in the prison though, which I guess is kind of good for them, I
think they had a camera set up in the room they're supposed to be in and they
use that as if they're in the classroom. It's quite strange really, and if I
was those 5 lads then I would have just stayed inside of the prison. Because of
their behavior they keep on getting given jobs where they have do loads of
manual labor and building work, they literally won't do what they're told to do
which means that things get worse and worse for them, but they don't realize
that cause they just want to perv on the girls.
Now the reason as to why my
opinion has changed:
So even though I didn't enjoy this anime, or the amount of bouncy boobs there where within it... I enjoyed the comedy. Yes, the comedy side made me forget about the fan service to some extent, even though the fan service was still annoying and still there throughout the show, the comedy side kind of distracted me from all of that which was quite interesting. Usually a lot of shows just place the fan service there and then do nothing with it, like there's a half-naked girl there and no one finds it weird at all or attractive, like it's an everyday thing... yeah? Well this show added a slight comedic twist to the majority of the fan service which made it quite enjoyable to watch, it didn't have it all of the time and when there was no fan service it was quite a funny show. So actually, I for once enjoyed a fan service filled anime show, which hasn't really happened before.
So even though I didn't enjoy this anime, or the amount of bouncy boobs there where within it... I enjoyed the comedy. Yes, the comedy side made me forget about the fan service to some extent, even though the fan service was still annoying and still there throughout the show, the comedy side kind of distracted me from all of that which was quite interesting. Usually a lot of shows just place the fan service there and then do nothing with it, like there's a half-naked girl there and no one finds it weird at all or attractive, like it's an everyday thing... yeah? Well this show added a slight comedic twist to the majority of the fan service which made it quite enjoyable to watch, it didn't have it all of the time and when there was no fan service it was quite a funny show. So actually, I for once enjoyed a fan service filled anime show, which hasn't really happened before.
There are some weird characters in here, like a
super cute blonde haired girl who is also a martial arts master, a really mean
strict girl who used to get bullied because of her huge knockers and also a
very sweet and innocent girl who is quite nice to one of the new boys and
eventually develops feelings for him.
The male characters are definitely the best in the series, the girls are made out to be quite strict and forward people who clearly don't like the new change with the boys... Whilst the boys are made out to be relaxed people who just want to have a good time whilst at the school, they're funny, weird, outgoing and are completely random at times and just blurt anything; spoiler, one of them even she*its themselves just so their friend can have a recording of him with diarrhea... LIKE WHY? The boys in this are so funny, but there is one who is also quite serious at times and wants to take charge of the small group of boys; they mess up a lot, fight a lot and goggle over girls A LOT. I don't feel like there is any need for me to have a list of characters and what they're like, when you get watching it you notice that there isn't much difference in-between them all so there isn't much to tell really. There is a bit more to the girls who are in the Underground Council, because obviously there is a reason as to why they all hate the boys so much, so I would definitely keep an eye out for those girls.
The male characters are definitely the best in the series, the girls are made out to be quite strict and forward people who clearly don't like the new change with the boys... Whilst the boys are made out to be relaxed people who just want to have a good time whilst at the school, they're funny, weird, outgoing and are completely random at times and just blurt anything; spoiler, one of them even she*its themselves just so their friend can have a recording of him with diarrhea... LIKE WHY? The boys in this are so funny, but there is one who is also quite serious at times and wants to take charge of the small group of boys; they mess up a lot, fight a lot and goggle over girls A LOT. I don't feel like there is any need for me to have a list of characters and what they're like, when you get watching it you notice that there isn't much difference in-between them all so there isn't much to tell really. There is a bit more to the girls who are in the Underground Council, because obviously there is a reason as to why they all hate the boys so much, so I would definitely keep an eye out for those girls.
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This is the face of to much stress
and too much coursework.
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blog and art blog to keep up
to date with my private life and
my artwork!
But yeah, I finally enjoyed an anime that was
completely filled with beewwwb shots and striped pantie flashing; I think after
watching this show as well, I'm going to make sure that I am reading the shows
descriptions instead of just watching it because it looks pretty cool, because
I think I won't be able to put up with any more fan service after this one.
I wouldn't watch it again, and I wouldn't recommend it to any of my friends really... Could you imagine me recommending this show saying it's amazing and then my best friend just sees a load of boobs pop up on screen! They would kill me! I would recommend it to someone that for:
1. Likes fan service.
2. Won't play it through the speakers on your laptop because there is some WEIRD stuff on there.
3. Wants something a little bit different.
4. Kind of likes comedy but wants to see some boobs as well.
A great anime show doesn't need to show off breasts and underwear to make it any better, they need to focus on plot and character development if they want to get more viewers...That's a lot more appealing to me, and a lot of other people, rather than just focusing on where the next panty shot should be.
Live Diary Blog: wouldn't watch it again, and I wouldn't recommend it to any of my friends really... Could you imagine me recommending this show saying it's amazing and then my best friend just sees a load of boobs pop up on screen! They would kill me! I would recommend it to someone that for:
1. Likes fan service.
2. Won't play it through the speakers on your laptop because there is some WEIRD stuff on there.
3. Wants something a little bit different.
4. Kind of likes comedy but wants to see some boobs as well.
A great anime show doesn't need to show off breasts and underwear to make it any better, they need to focus on plot and character development if they want to get more viewers...That's a lot more appealing to me, and a lot of other people, rather than just focusing on where the next panty shot should be.
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