A Worldwide favourite, but i only have one question, is there actually an anime out there that can take this one off of the shelves in over 1000 different countries?? I think not.
Meet the clinically insane straw hated pirates, that always seem to get their own way..... One Piece is a worldwide famous anime and manga series to little five year olds, too 60 year olds who still remember the series from a while back. The series is packed with food, fighting, rather confusing moments and really (and i emphasis really) weird looking pirate maniacs that will do anything to get the one piece and the devil (gum gum) fruit.
The main story in the series... well when i say main story i mean the overall series.... is supposed to about a young high pitched, squeaky voiced boy named Monket D.Luffy finding the one Piece to eventually become the King of Pirates like in ancient myths and legends. One problem though, he doesn't even have a ship, never mind a crew. And due to his young age no other pirates take him seriously even though he's trying to do them all a favour by helping them get to the One Piece and becoming the new King of the Pirates with them in his crew.
The only time people or pirates usually take him serious, this keeps up throughout the whole series of One Piece, is when he shows his what he calls his "Gum, Gum Abilities"... So to us this will be the devil fruit powers. When a devil fruit is consumed and depending on which type you have consumed then special unrealistic powers are released that you may or may not be able to control depending on how mature and smart you are. In this case Luffy has consumed a rare Devil Fruit that gives the consumer to extend parts of his of hers bodies to unbelievable lengths, and when punched the punches fly right off of his body or when shot at the rubber sends them flying back at the opponent. So basically we have a weird boy with an even weirder rubber body.....
The series is based in another and slightly older fashioned world where pirates, thieves, bounty hunters and other strange people all exist mainly to defeat pirates but also to keep order in the world, stop wars between other countries and are also mainly here to stop pirates from over taking other towns and cities like they have done in the past and when we watch the series we get to see the overtaking of many cities and towns happening right before our straw hated and clinically insane pirates.
The main character (as we have already established) is Luffy, his main goal in life is to be like Gol D. Roger. He was in fact the previous Pirate king and created the One Piece, a treasure that most normal people think is fake and is a disgrace to their world. Others like Luffy (and some others) Who have realised that if they obtain the One Piece they will be the next Pirate King, and as soon as news about a new pirate king starts to spread many more people will believe in the legend, which then means more fights and violence for Luffy and his soon to be crew. Everyone in the crew is human, well to an extent anyways..........
Monkey D. Luffy; Our main and insane character for the One Piece series. He is the leader of the straw hat pirates and has an extremely strange fighting style that stands out to the younger generation of anime watchers and lovers. His fighting style is unique but funny, this adds to the genre of the show which is of course a comedy. As his body stretches to these unbelievable lengths and his body can also deflect damage from opponents it adds humour to any fight that he's in which means that if your reading the manga the reader can relax as they know that he'll never be in any real danger, when watching the anime we can sense some danger in a few situations but nothing too serious to make the watcher hang on to the edge of their seat as they are worried for him. He's a fun loving boy who doesn't really see the seriousness of fighting or being a pirate until other members start joining the crew. He doesn't really care what other people think of him or what other pirates think of him and his crew, the only time he will care is when a pirate or human hurts one of his crew members or damages his ship. He isn't the type of person to start a fight for no particular reason and usually thinks things through when it comes to fighting, when it comes to his friends and everyday life he turns a little bit stupid, the stereo typical type of person for an anime like this and as he is in fact the lead character it means all other characters are also laid back, relaxed and at times can be as stupid as him.
The crew eventually becomes huge, one of the first members to be the fearful Roronoa Zoro..... A three bladed samurai, he was born to kill and to assinate anyone who gets in his way. Luffy managed to get him to join as Zoro had already been captured by the authorities and was tidied up to a pole, he hadn't eaten in a while so Luffy had managed to taunt him with food and bribe him by setting him free on one condition....... He joined Luffy's crew, even though at this point he didn't even have a ship.
The recruitment for the other members also covers the same sort of method, Luffy makes a deal with them as long as they join his crew. As i said eventually there are quite a few members that join the crew, some hate Luffy as he's way too hyper and some admire his dreams and goals in life to become the next king of the Pirates. we see new and old characters that Luffy has encountered through the series joining the Crew once they get to know him a bit better, like Nami we see her in the firs episode of One Piece and the audience expects her to join the crew straight away but it takes a while as she follows them around and then decides to join, and there are others who we only encounter a bit further on in the series like Brook, Sanji, Usopp, Nico Robin, Franky..... And if you haven't even watched the series even once then you still might of heard of little Tony Tony Chopper!!
All in all the series is amazing, I’ve only seen parts of the series and little snippets but it's still an amazing series! Only there’s one little problem, the beginning of the series graphics seem out of date, and when we see the latest episodes the beginning ones don't quite fit in. But apart from this the series is amazing and is a must watch, it's famous worldwide and has captured the hearts and minds of millions of anime and manga lovers!

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