Sunday, 12 July 2015

Review 24: Bleach Movie 4, Hell Verse

Review 24: Bleach Movie 4, Hell Verse

Watch out Hell, Ichigo is on his way.....Yet again....... (I need to come up with new intros), Tite Kubo has come up with another great Bleach film... But rumor has it this maybe his last one, if so then its been a brilliant send off to Kubo's series of films that are Bleach.
In the opening to the film we see a previous fight in-between Ichigo and a Arrancar. This little opening to the film does seem pointless, as there are no Arrancars actually involved in the story line. This scene is to indicate that someone is watching Ichigo once he's lost control of his powers. We soon learn that the person who's been watching him fight is the one that wants to use all of Ichigos powers and cause trouble within the world of the living. In the beginning of the film, we see three mysterious characters attempting to destroy the school that Ichigo and his friends attend. It fails but they do cause some damage to the school and students (Nothing Major).
Soon after another two of these mysterious people appear, this time their not at the school but at Ichigos house and clinic. These two freaky looking characters have been assigned the task of abducting Ichigos little sisters. Only one of them is taken to hell though.... The rest of the film is basically Ichigo attempting to rescue one of his sisters from hell, trying not to lose control of his powers and keeping balance in the world of the living and Hell itself.
All in all I don't think this is the best Bleach flm that has been made. It lacks any sense of humor that the other films and episodes bring but has more action that fits in perfectly with the story line. For it to fit in with the other films and programmes I recommend a slightly humorous side is added to it just to lighten the mode slightly. The action is amazing and all but at times it was too quickly paced and hard to keep up with, but still had the amazing moves and graphics which we would expect from a Bleach film. The film still has all of the great aspects that we would anticipate from Bleach. One thing it doesn't have is the fact that it usually shows our main cast for Bleach, in this film it shows about half. The action is amazing but slightly fast paced.

A brilliant film from start to finish.

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