Thursday, 2 April 2015

Old Reviews.

So every review that has been uploaded so far has been written about two years ago...
Why are they so short?
Why does my grammar completely suck balls?
Why they are just genuinely crap?

Because i was about 14-15 years old when i wrote them. Which means i was failing at English, and doing anime reviews in my spare tie was my way of practicing and getting myself ready for my exams. It did work to be honest with you, i ended up getting a B in English language, and i did seriously struggle so a B for me was awesome.
but all of the reviews up till a certain point are only a few hundred words each, then they end up reaching about 1000 words each. So they do improve.... eventually, may take a while though.
You`ll see what i mean by the reviews that you`re going to see for a while are absolutely ,bull spermingly crappolio, if you look at the wattpad account i have or any other of the blogs i have.
I do try my best with my grammar but for me it is quite hard, i don`t know why i`ve just always found it hard.

 Follow these links down below to find my Wattpad account with all of my anime reviews, there are currently 46 reviews! 


Art Blog:

Live Diary:


Instagram:    amy_marshy_melons

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