Death note has to be one of the most loved, read and watched animes/ mangas in the world! and that is just the basics, so if your like me and now you know that i suggest you go and watch it!
Death Note is about a young adult called Light Yagami (his last name is also I'm a gay backwards XD). he's at school in a lesson one day, and as he looks out of the window a weird looking note book is on the floor, as it looks pretty interesting after the lesson he goes out, picks it up and takes it back home to take a look.That night he's sitting in his bedroom when his shinigamu Ryuk appears and the story behind the death note is revealed.
Light then starts to take the Books power into his own hands. killing those who have committed major crimes against civilisation. He either sees them on the TV or goes online to look up there crimes, as soon as he finds a picture of them and their name... he puts them in the Death Note and writes a method of death.
Death Note: A book that each shinigami (their death gods), have to kill humans. Every time a shinigami writes a humans name down in the book and they picture their face in their mind then that person will die and you gain their years of life that they had left before you killed them. If a shinigami kills a human to save another then that shinigami will die, if a human touches the death note then the shinigami will have to follow that human around, and in this case it's Light.
Light Yagami: Light is a young adult who is currently sitting the rest of his exams, he sees the death note not knowing what it is and takes it home, his shinigami god of death is Ryuk, Light doesn't think very much of his life until he comes across the note book, before he finds the note book he is quiet and collective, he keeps himself to himself and never gets in any ones way. Once he finds the note book his life changes around for the better of innocent people and for the worst of the people who are criminal master minds. He only uses the note book to kill criminals and people who he thinks don't deserve to live, but from killing people like that it attracts the governments attention, as more criminals die mysterious deaths the government gets there most top secret agent to help them solve the murders of the prisoners, his name is...
L: L is his name, and that's all people know about him all the way through out the series as he doesn't reveal himself to any other agent. Even the most top secret government agencies don't even know his real name, no one knows where his family is and all you'll ever know is that his name is L. L is quiet and a bit creepy in his own ways unfortunately though what he does say has to be in his own way, which means lengthy conversations about anything he can think of and he usually relates all investigations to different type of games. He is an awkward young adult as well, as he always has to have everything his way and acts differently to everyone else which can make him stand out to much amoungst other people. He never leaves his office apart from when he joins a high class school/ college/ university which Light starts to attend.
I would recommend the anime to a lot of people, but not the Manga as much. Near the end of the manga the amount of text on the page ends up becoming to much, and then the pictures just end up being these small black and white blobs dotted around the page. So i ended up getting quite bored and not finishing the end of the manga, but i did finish the end of the anime.
I wouldn`t recommend it to those who are looking for something a little bit more gorier, of course there is violence because people are dying constantly; but the majority of it is off screen. There isn`t that much blood either, until the main characters begin to die. But it`s still a cool, mysterious anime from the murderers point of view.
I wouldn`t recommend it to those who are looking for something a little bit more gorier, of course there is violence because people are dying constantly; but the majority of it is off screen. There isn`t that much blood either, until the main characters begin to die. But it`s still a cool, mysterious anime from the murderers point of view.

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