A new one
that my boyfriend has already seen a few times before; his friend Jessica gave
us the box set and we spent last Saturday watching the first season... Was it
as good as my boyfriend made it out to be?
It was good
in some ways, but it just focused on the main character Quon a bit too much for
my liking. There also didn't seem to be too much information on the making of
custos, who founded it, why and when it was formed.
The character design was good, but quon's personality didn't match his design at all and they seemed like opposites, but apart from that everyone else seemed to match their designs and it completed their character completely. I would have loved some sort of back story into the other side characters that are involved in the story, I think this would have made me a bit more interested in the whole plot as a whole since everyone has their different reasons for joining the rest of the Attractors. I would have preferred more fights in-between the attractors and Custos as there was a huge rivalry in-between them, but they never had a really big fight until the last two episodes. I would of preferred to see them living in Fantasium garden as well, it doesn't really show you them all living together as one big clan, it's more like just bits and bobs around the park that you end up seeing.
There was a lot that I didn't like, but there was something about the way that the episodes flowed that made it easy to watch and enjoyable to watch. I'm afraid this anime show will only be getting a 5/10... Yeah, David is going to kill me for this!
Seeing as it
was David who had recommended the show, it was obviously going to be good since
he always knows about the awesome new shows that I still haven't seen yet, and
he has watched a lot more shows than me! I wasn't too sure to begin with, it
seems so cliché to just have a bunch of children with "special
abilities" these days, and every anime just seems to revolve around that
since it's what everyone enjoys. But this one was not too different, but there
was just something about it that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Probably because the way the show played out wasn't like a lot of other shows that I've recently watched.
Probably because the way the show played out wasn't like a lot of other shows that I've recently watched.
For starts,
each episode is about an hour long; which means that every episode is like a
small film, which then leads on to more films and more films... You get the
idea. Since we had the DVD's with us, the episodes flowed quite smoothly and it
felt like I was just watching one giant 6 hour long film that flowed smoothly
and made sense... well sort of anyways.
In the first three episodes, I just kept asking questions about the show and what was happening, why the guy looks like a fish, why are there cyborgs, why are they trying to kill everyone... He just eventually told me to try and shut up and just watch the show since I was REALLY starting to bug him. The show has a bizarre and well-structured mysteries and plot twists, many of which were quite fun to come up with theories for them as the show went on... But that also made me ask even more questions about what was happening and David was getting slightly annoyed with me again. But then again, he does try his best not to spoil all of the good parts, but he still doesn't know that it'll just make me ask more questions about the show... when will he learn?
Our main story revolves around the amazing theme park, Fantasium Garden (not too amazing really). The main building is built around a large tree, which has been stood in place for over a 1000 years; the tree links in with the main characters back story.
Within Fantasium Garden is a series of children all of which have "special abilities" that they were born with, when found by our main protagonist, he'll hopefully take them back to Fantasium Garden where they can work and live without any worried of being tracked down and tested on... Get to that in a moment.
In the first three episodes, I just kept asking questions about the show and what was happening, why the guy looks like a fish, why are there cyborgs, why are they trying to kill everyone... He just eventually told me to try and shut up and just watch the show since I was REALLY starting to bug him. The show has a bizarre and well-structured mysteries and plot twists, many of which were quite fun to come up with theories for them as the show went on... But that also made me ask even more questions about what was happening and David was getting slightly annoyed with me again. But then again, he does try his best not to spoil all of the good parts, but he still doesn't know that it'll just make me ask more questions about the show... when will he learn?
Our main story revolves around the amazing theme park, Fantasium Garden (not too amazing really). The main building is built around a large tree, which has been stood in place for over a 1000 years; the tree links in with the main characters back story.
Within Fantasium Garden is a series of children all of which have "special abilities" that they were born with, when found by our main protagonist, he'll hopefully take them back to Fantasium Garden where they can work and live without any worried of being tracked down and tested on... Get to that in a moment.
The people
with special abilities call themselves the Attractors, and the people who they
want to capture them belong to an organization called Custos.
The Attractors are descendants of a clan, whom of which had these special abilities and lived together away from anyone who could cause them any form of harm because of their abilities. Then Custos work under something called the "order" who believe that the Attractors need to be caught and most probably killed. They also test have cyborgs that work for them, as the Attractors are stronger than just regular humans; they keep track of the Attractors, and whenever an attractors powers are activated it appears on their scanning systems so they can hunt them down again. They also call the Attractors, Larvae and they're seen as monsters with no thoughts or feelings to the Cyborgs, otherwise the cyborgs wouldn't hunt them at all.
The Attractors are descendants of a clan, whom of which had these special abilities and lived together away from anyone who could cause them any form of harm because of their abilities. Then Custos work under something called the "order" who believe that the Attractors need to be caught and most probably killed. They also test have cyborgs that work for them, as the Attractors are stronger than just regular humans; they keep track of the Attractors, and whenever an attractors powers are activated it appears on their scanning systems so they can hunt them down again. They also call the Attractors, Larvae and they're seen as monsters with no thoughts or feelings to the Cyborgs, otherwise the cyborgs wouldn't hunt them at all.
Attractors clan however; and a quick warning for spoilers...
Yeah, we all
The, now known as, Attractors came from an ancient clan of people who lived together in peace with only others who possessed the same powers. This clan wasn't really connected to the outside as they didn't want to scare away other people by using their powers or having their powers activated by accident. Quon is our main character and he lived peacefully within the village with his brother Towa, they both possessed powers from the clan but Towa's scared him. One day, a man injured his leg and Towa instantly healed it for him; the man was petrified and ran away. The same evening when there was a ceremony, the man had bought people from his village to attack the clan and ended up slaughtering them all apart from Quon and Towa. Quon survived and took revenge for his clan whilst Towa hid himself in a crystal that they offer to a "sacred tree"... His powers scared him so he sealed himself away in the crystal.
The, now known as, Attractors came from an ancient clan of people who lived together in peace with only others who possessed the same powers. This clan wasn't really connected to the outside as they didn't want to scare away other people by using their powers or having their powers activated by accident. Quon is our main character and he lived peacefully within the village with his brother Towa, they both possessed powers from the clan but Towa's scared him. One day, a man injured his leg and Towa instantly healed it for him; the man was petrified and ran away. The same evening when there was a ceremony, the man had bought people from his village to attack the clan and ended up slaughtering them all apart from Quon and Towa. Quon survived and took revenge for his clan whilst Towa hid himself in a crystal that they offer to a "sacred tree"... His powers scared him so he sealed himself away in the crystal.
Quon; He sets up
Fantasium garden in an effort to help protect any other Attractors he comes
across. He gives them a job, he lets them live with him and he protects them
all; he's kind hearted and understanding of others, even when the rogue
Attractors want to kill him even though he's trying to help them. He has
multiple powers; when he uses his powers, he transforms into a stronger
form of himself (he kind of looks like a fish) and this form is practically
indestructible, he can manipulate water, some forms of nature (not too sure on
that one) and metal, he also has amazing speed and strength whenever he
activates his powers.
His character was that of an odd one, odd in a good way obviously; I couldn't quite figure out what it was that I didn't like about him... but after a bit more thought, I would have to say it's his character design and personality, they just don't match up. His character design seems quite badass, kind of says he's the leader of this place and he won't take no for an answer; at the beginning his character does seem very relaxed and he's very gentle with everyone and welcoming. But as it goes on and there are more fights going on, and Custos are trying to capture them, he toughens up a bit more and actually suits his character design.
His character was that of an odd one, odd in a good way obviously; I couldn't quite figure out what it was that I didn't like about him... but after a bit more thought, I would have to say it's his character design and personality, they just don't match up. His character design seems quite badass, kind of says he's the leader of this place and he won't take no for an answer; at the beginning his character does seem very relaxed and he's very gentle with everyone and welcoming. But as it goes on and there are more fights going on, and Custos are trying to capture them, he toughens up a bit more and actually suits his character design.
I love, Yuri;
She's one of Quon's best friends and is also an attractor. She has incredibly
speed and has to wear a special suit so she can avoid hurting herself whenever
she uses her incredible skills. She looks after a lot of the kids that end up
living in the garden and she begins to act like a second mother to them all. I
prefer her character to Quon actually, I'm not too sure as to why though; I
think it might just be something about her personality and how it matches so
well with her as a character design. Just something about her really stood out
as a parent figure, yet she's still quite young.
Now, at the
garden there are a looooot, of characters to go through, which is why I'm not
actually going to go through the majority of them. There are only 6 episodes,
so going through all of the characters would create too many spoilers and that
isn't what I'm aiming for in these kinds of reviews. As the show goes along,
they add more characters in by creating different scenarios for them to appear
in; like finding more attractors, or suddenly learning the background of a
cyborg who all of a sudden becomes important.
Even though
I did quite enjoy this short series, I didn't actually enjoy the story line...
Or the opening theme song, god damn that things annoying. There was something
about it, that in the end, just felt rather un-finished or as if there was
something missing from the plot completely. I think it's because it seemed
un-resolved to me, in the end everyone was happy and everything was done and
dusted... But I like to see what life is like for the characters afterwards;
what happens to them, what they're life is like once everything is done and
dusted, what happens to Custos once everything is finished with. But there was
nothing, it just kind of ended and that was it; I was disappointed actually, it
was the way it had all ended.
The story played out very straight forward as well, there wasn't any fillers or episodes that where just filled with important backstory for the other characters. It was just following the main story line so it got kind of boring; I hate fillers in Naruto when they go on for ages, but I hate ones without filler that just leave you hanging on. If anything, I wanted to know more about the characters, where they came from, why they wanted to get away and live in the garden... Simple things like that can make you a lot more interested in a show and the characters, but it lacked quite a bit of that and I lost interest in a few of the side characters who lived in the garden as well.
The story played out very straight forward as well, there wasn't any fillers or episodes that where just filled with important backstory for the other characters. It was just following the main story line so it got kind of boring; I hate fillers in Naruto when they go on for ages, but I hate ones without filler that just leave you hanging on. If anything, I wanted to know more about the characters, where they came from, why they wanted to get away and live in the garden... Simple things like that can make you a lot more interested in a show and the characters, but it lacked quite a bit of that and I lost interest in a few of the side characters who lived in the garden as well.
It seemed
boring; yeah the fight scenes are good, it had great characters, good twist
near the end and of course it had a good and (sort of) unique basis with the
attractors and custos. But I would have been sooo much more interested and less
disappointed in the ending if there was more information on the side characters
and possibly the clan that the Attractors originate from. David seriously loves
this show, and he was singing along to the opening and kept on telling me when
the good bits where coming on. He really enjoyed it, but I felt like it still
needed something that involved the back stories of the other side characters
and a backstory for the clan... And I mean a PROPER, long and detailed

The character design was good, but quon's personality didn't match his design at all and they seemed like opposites, but apart from that everyone else seemed to match their designs and it completed their character completely. I would have loved some sort of back story into the other side characters that are involved in the story, I think this would have made me a bit more interested in the whole plot as a whole since everyone has their different reasons for joining the rest of the Attractors. I would have preferred more fights in-between the attractors and Custos as there was a huge rivalry in-between them, but they never had a really big fight until the last two episodes. I would of preferred to see them living in Fantasium garden as well, it doesn't really show you them all living together as one big clan, it's more like just bits and bobs around the park that you end up seeing.
There was a lot that I didn't like, but there was something about the way that the episodes flowed that made it easy to watch and enjoyable to watch. I'm afraid this anime show will only be getting a 5/10... Yeah, David is going to kill me for this!
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